Characters in The Pot of Gold by Plautus

Euclio: Euclio is the central character of the play. He is a widower and the father of Phaedria.

Lar Familiaris: The Guardian spirit of Euclio's house.

Staphyla: She is the house-keeper. She is kept to look after Euclio's house and his daughter.

Megadorus: Megadorus is the brother of Eunomia and the maternal uncle of Lyconnides.

Eunomia: She is the sister of Megadorus and mother of Lyconnides.

Lyconides: Lyconides is the son of Eunomia and the seducer of Euclio's daughter, Phylaedria.

Strobilus: Strobilus is the Steward of Megadorus.

Anthrax and Congrio: The two cooks.


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