Oedipus Rex is the tragic story of Oedipus' downfall and destruction because of the hand of fate and of some characteristic defects in him. After Teiresias foretells the doom of Oedipus, the Corinthian messenger comes to cheer him up with the news that his father Polybus has died and thus Oedipus is cleared of the sin of patricide. So Jocasta mocks at the oracles as the first curse has proved false in Oedipus case and hence he should not be afraid of the other curse, namely of marrying his mother. Now the messenger tries to free Oedipus from the fear of the second curse as he knows that he is not the real son of Polybus and Merope, but was given to this childless couple by the messenger himself who found the child on Mt. Cithaeron. This information makes Oedipus more impatient to know his real parentage. He decides to call for the Theban shepherd who would be able to illuminate him further in this matter. Ignoring Jocasta's suggestion not to investigate into his parentage any further Oedipus decides to carry it on.
Md Samir |
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